Announcements – August 18, 2024

It was a very special day at NVUC yesterday! Communion and a baptism!!! Congratulations to little Henry Joseph Morgan and his proud parents, Emily Blue and Lloyd Morgan. His grandmothers were there too ... Kim Davies and Wendy Blue (NVUC's treasurer!). Did you miss it? The service is available on Facebook:

What's new in our kitchen renos? Countertops!!!! Paint ... lots of paint!!!! Thanks to our hardworking crew and contractors!!! Ask a hard-working construction lead about our kitchen renovations!!! NVUC Chair Dave Douglas, Jean-Guy Jacob and Margaret Struthers are wearing hard hats and getting it done!  

Check out Rev. Nancy's new stole!!! It's one of the ones made to celebrate the upcoming 100th Anniversary of the UCC. They are all individualized, and custom made. Rev. Nancy's has a special ribbon is purple for Mohawk. The slogan Deep, Bold and Daring has been translated into Mohawk also. Susie Henderson, the fabric artist that makes them embroidered a feather on the neck and made a way of attaching feathers to the front! She told Rev. Nancy that it's her favourite stole ever!

Upcoming Events/Meetings:

  • Sunday School is out for the summer!!!! (Children are always welcome at church though. Activities are available at the back of the sanctuary). Sunday School resumes in the Fall on October 20!

  • Worship Committee – Aug 26 @ 1 pm

  • NVUC Council – Sept 3 @ 6:30 pm

  • NVUC Anniversary Service - Sept. 8 @ 10 am

  • Blessing of the Backpacks – Sept 15 with Pam Graydon

  • Interchurch Refugee Group Service with Rev. Janet Nield + NVUC's IRG Team @ NVUC- Sept 22

  • Sunday School resumes – Oct 20 – Kids welcome always – activities at the back of the sanctuary!

Team Schedule – July/August 2024

  • Aug 25 – Gerry Dust + Team

  • Sept 1 - Joan Rathwell +Team

  • Sept 8 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids - NVUC Anniversary + Communion

  • Sept 15 - Pam MacCaull + Dream Team with Pam Graydon - Weekly fellowship after church resumes!

  • Sept 22 - Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome with Rev. Janet Nield - Refugee Sunday

  • Sept 29 - Gerry Dust + Team with Barbara Johns, LLWL

Celebratory, Memorial, and ‘Gratitude-Style’ Bulletin Sponsorships Available $10! Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

Moderator’s Flourishing Event *New Location – Emmanuel United Church Ottawa* Moderator Carmen Lansdowne will be travelling across Canada in 2024, having conversations about flourishing – how we can move from languishing to flourishing – in our churches and for our communities. The Moderator will be in Ottawa on Saturday September 14th .
You are invited to join her for this conversation. Details, program and registration

Announcements – August 11, 2024

Congratulations to all Navan Fair organizers, exhibitors, and participants!!! Yesterday, the annual Navan Fair Ecumenical Service was held at NVUC (coordinated by Laurie Watson, Shelley Douglas, and Gerry Dust and 2 wonderful ministers - Rev. Nancy Best and Rev. Felix Longdon (St. Mary's Anglican).  

Upcoming Events/Meetings:

  • Baptism – Henry Morgan (Grandson of NVUC Treasurer Wendy Blue) – Aug 18

  • Sunday School is out for the summer!!!! (Children are always welcome at church though. Activities are available at the back of the sanctuary). Sunday School resumes in the Fall on October 20!

  • NVUC Anniversary Service - Sept. 8 @ 10 am

  • Blessing of the Backpacks – Sept 15 with Pam Graydon

  • Interchurch Refugee Group Service with Rev. Janet Nield + NVUC's IRG Team @ NVUC- Sept 22

  • Sunday School resumes – Oct 20 – Kids welcome always – activities at the back of the sanctuary!

Team Schedule – July/August 2024

  • Aug 18 – Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome – Communion + Baptism

  • Aug 25 – Gerry Dust + Team

  • Sept 1 - Joan Rathwell +Team

  • Sept 8 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids - NVUC Anniversary + Communion

  • Sept 15 - Pam MacCaull + Dream Team with Pam Graydon - Weekly fellowship after church resumes!

  • Sept 22 - Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome with Rev. Janet Nield - Refugee Sunday

  • Sept 29 - Gerry Dust + Team with Barbara Johns, LLWL

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10! Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

Moderator’s Flourishing Event *New Location – Emmanuel United Church Ottawa* Moderator Carmen Lansdowne will be travelling across Canada in 2024, having conversations about flourishing – how we can move from languishing to flourishing – in our churches and for our communities. The Moderator will be in Ottawa on Saturday September 14th .
You are invited to join her for this conversation. Details, program and registration

Announcements – August 4, 2024

Thank you to Marni Hunt-Stephens, LLWL, who was our guest preacher yesterday! Did you miss the service? Check it out on the NVUC Facebook page:  

Ask a hard-working construction lead about our kitchen renovations!!! NVUC Chair Dave Douglas, Jean-Guy Jacob and Margaret Struthers are wearing hard hats and getting it done!

Vacation Alert - Rev. Nancy will be off from July 31, 2024, until August 8, 2024. She will be covering her own emergency pastoral care, so don't hesitate to contact her at home#613-834-6816, cell# 613-863-9056 or by email Marnie Hunt-Stephens, LLWL, guest preaches on Sunday, Aug. 4.

Upcoming Events/Meetings:

  • Navan Fair Ecumenical Service @ NVUC - Aug. 11 @ 10:00 am

  • Baptism – Henry Morgan (Grandson of NVUC Treasurer Wendy Blue) – Aug 18

  • Sunday School is out for the summer!!!! (Children are always welcome at church though. Activities are available at the back of the sanctuary). Sunday School resumes in the Fall on October 20!

  • NVUC Anniversary Service - Sept. 8 @ 10 am

  • Blessing of the Backpacks – Sept 15 with Pam Graydon

  • Sunday School resumes – Oct 20 – Kids welcome always – activities at the back of the sanctuary!

Team Schedule – July/August 2024

  • Aug 4 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids

  • Aug 11 – Navan Fair Ecumenical Service @ NVUC

  • Aug 18 – Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome – Communion + Baptism

  • Aug 25 – Gerry Dust + Team

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10! Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

Announcements – July 28, 2024

NVUC Facebook page:  

Congrats to Rev. Nancy who was a guest speaker at the EOORC UCW Summer Event gathering and learning event Saturday (July 27) in Morrisburg. This annual conference is a weekend of worship, enrichment, and fellowship for the UCW, where the attendees celebrate the summer through workshops, music, and worship. Her presentation "Living in Two Worlds - An Indigenous Minister's Perspective" was enjoyed by all present! Check out the pics! "It was wonderful" reported Rev. Nancy.

Moving Day at NVUC was a success! Special thanks to the all hard working volunteers who came on Weds morning (July 24) to help clear out the basement, so that new flooring can be installed. A giant THANK YOU also to Sheila Minogue-Calver for her gifts of temporary storage in her garage.

Vacation Alert - Rev. Nancy will be off from July 31, 2024, until August 8, 2024. She will be covering her own emergency pastoral care, so don't hesitate to contact her at home#613-834-6816, cell# 613-863-9056 or by email Marnie Hunt-Stephens, LLWL, guest preaches on Sunday, Aug. 4.

Upcoming Events/Meetings:

  • Navan Fair Ecumenical Service @ NVUC - Aug. 11 @ 10:00 am

  • Baptism – Henry Morgan (Grandson of NVUC Treasurer Wendy Blue) – Aug 18

  • Sunday School is out for the summer!!!! (Children are always welcome at church though. Activities are available at the back of the sanctuary). Sunday School resumes in the Fall on October 20!

  • NVUC Anniversary Service - Sept. 8 @ 10 am

  • Blessing of the Backpacks – Sept 15 with Pam Graydon

  • Sunday School resumes – Oct 20 – Kids welcome always – activities at the back of the sanctuary!

Team Schedule – July/August 2024

  • Aug 4 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids

  • Aug 11 – Navan Fair Ecumenical Service @ NVUC

  • Aug 18 – Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome – Communion + Baptism

  • Aug 25 – Gerry Dust + Team

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10! Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

Announcements – July 21, 2024

NVUC Facebook page  

Annually the EOORC UCW holds a Summer Event gathering and learning event. This year, the event entitled "Walk in my Shoes" is being held at the McIntosh Country Inn and Conference Center from July 26-28, 2024 in Morrisburg. It is a weekend of worship, enrichment, and fellowship for the UCW. The attendees celebrate the summer through workshops, music, and worship. This year's workshop leaders and guests are: Linda Foster, Barb DeJeet, Charlotte Hoy, Terrie Chedore, Nancy Best, and Joan McEwan.

Our own Rev. Nancy presents on Saturday, July 27! Wishing her a wonderful time at the event and with her presentation!

Upcoming Events/Meetings:

  • Navan Fair Ecumenical Service @ NVUC - Aug. 11 @ 10:00 am

  • Baptism – Henry Morgan (Grandson of NVUC Treasurer Wendy Blue) – Aug 18

  • Sunday School is out for the summer!!!! (Children are always welcome at church though ... activities are available at the back of the sanctuary). Sunday School resumes in the Fall on October 20!

  • NVUC Anniversary Service - Sept. 8 @ 10 am

  • Blessing of the Backpacks – Sept 15 with Pam Graydon

  • Sunday School resumes – Oct 20 – Kids welcome always – activities at the back of the sanctuary!

Team Schedule – July/August 2024

  • July 28 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids

  • Aug 4 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids

  • Aug 11 – Navan Fair Ecumenical Service @ NVUC

  • Aug 18 – Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome – Communion + Baptism

  • Aug 25 – Gerry Dust + Team

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10! Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

Announcements – July 14, 2024

Thank you to Marni Hunt-Stephens, LLWL, who was our guest preacher yesterday! Did you miss the service ... she preached on John the Baptist - it's available on the NVUC Facebook page  

Rev. Nancy is on vacation July 13-20, 2024. For pastoral care emergencies Rev. Stephanie Bates, St. Andrew's UC, Cumberland, 613-833-2604 (church phone), will provide coverage during Rev. Best’s vacation.

Upcoming Events/Meetings:

  • Navan Fair Ecumenical Service @ NVUC - Aug. 11 @ 10:00 am

  • Baptism – Henry Morgan (Grandson of NVUC Treasurer Wendy Blue) – Aug 18

  • Sunday School is out for the summer!!!! (Children are always welcome at church though ... activities are available at the back of the sanctuary). Sunday School resumes in the Fall on October 20!

  • NVUC Anniversary Service - Sept. 8 @ 10 am

  • Blessing of the Backpacks – Sept 15 with Pam Graydon

  • Sunday School resumes – Oct 20 – Kids welcome always – activities at the back of the sanctuary!

Team Schedule – July/August 2024

  • July 21 - Joan Rathwell + Team

  • July 28 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids

  • Aug 4 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids

  • Aug 11 – Navan Fair Ecumenical Service @ NVUC

  • Aug 18 – Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome – Communion + Baptism

  • Aug 25 – Gerry Dust + Team

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10! Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

Announcements – July 7, 2024

As always, check out the service online on the NVUC Facebook page  

Council Tidbits (from July 2 meeting)

– Kitchen renos in progress – huge thanks to Jean-Guy Jacob, Dave Douglas and Margaret Struthers for their true grit and hard work! Work proceeding well over the summer months according to contractor availability and project timelines. Helpers/Raging Reno Fans wanted for a possible work party later this month to move all basement contents, so installation of new flooring can happen efficiently ...! Contact: to get in on the action!

- New NVUC website under construction, and updating is in progress – Wally Burns and Kim collecting info. (

- Rev. Nancy - guest speaker at the UCW "Walk in My Shoes" Summer Event, July 26-28 in Morrisburg. (

- Congratulations and thank you to Gerry Dust, who volunteered, and was voted in unanimously, as NVUC’s congregational rep to EOORC! What is EOORC - Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council? The United Church of Canada has 3 levels of governance - national, as in General Council; and 16 regional Councils across Canada (Councils replaced Presbyteries and Conferences 5 years ago). All clergy are automatically members of the regional council, and congregations are entitled to name voting representatives based on number of congregants. There are 3 meetings/yr. More info. here:

- NVUC’s 100th anniversary is 2 years away – Laurie Watson and Jean-Guy Jacob forming planning committee to mark celebrations!

Upcoming Events/Meetings:

  • Navan Fair Ecumenical Service @ NVUC - Aug. 11 @ 10:00 am

  • Baptism – Henry Morgan (Grandson of NVUC Treasurer Wendy Blue) – Aug 18

  • Sunday School is out for the summer!!!! (Children are always welcome at church though ... activities are available at the back of the sanctuary). Sunday School resumes in the Fall on October 20!

  • NVUC Anniversary Service - Sept. 8 @ 10 am

  • Blessing of the Backpacks – Sept 15 with Pam Graydon

  • Sunday School resumes – Oct 20 – Kids welcome always – activities at the back of the sanctuary!

Team Schedule – June-July 2024

  • July 14 - Gerry Dust + Team - Communion

  • July 21 - Joan Rathwell + Team

  • July 28 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10! Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Announcements – June 30, 2024

Happy Birthday Canada! On July 1, Canada will be 157 years old! How are you celebrating? What is your favourite Canadian song (or Canadian food)? On Sunday, all the music in the Canada Day themed service was written by Canadian composers.

As always, check out the service online on the NVUC Facebook page  

Upcoming Events/Meetings:

  • NVUC Council - NEW DATE - Tuesday, July 2 @ 6:30 pm.

  • Navan Fair Ecumenical Service @ NVUC - Aug. 11 @ 10:00 am

  • Baptism – Henry Morgan (Grandson of NVUC Treasurer Wendy Blue) – Aug 18

  • Sunday School is out for the summer!!!! (Children are always welcome at church though ... activities are available at the back of the sanctuary). Sunday School resumes in the Fall on October 20!

  • NVUC Anniversary Service - Sept. 8 @ 10 am

Team Schedule – June-July 2024

  • July 7 - Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome

  • July 14 - Gerry Dust + Team - Communion

  • July 21 - Joan Rathwell + Team

  • July 28 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10! Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Announcements – June 23, 2024

Yesterday, we joyfully welcomed Waylon John Bear Brazeau as a baptized member of the Navan Vars United Church community of faith! Congratulations to Waylon and his family and friends; we are so happy to share this special day with you all! Waylon is the son of Alain and Amanda Brazeau, little brother to Matilda and Boden, and the grandson of Dawna Laroque, Erika and Richard Brazeau, and the great grandson of Merle and Richard, who were all in attendance, along with other family members and friends. This special service included music chosen by the family, a beautiful choir anthem, and a lovely duet performed by the talented duo Pam MacCaull and Jean-Guy Jacob. Did you miss it?

As always, check out the service online on the NVUC Facebook page  

Remembering a baptism day 21 years ago - So much Godness, so much love!

Music Director Laurie Watson recently reminded the choir that yesterday’s deeply meaningful anthem, We All Belong To God, was first sung at NVUC on Father’s Day - June 15, 2003, when Jordan Sirvin and Caelan Monkman shared the baptismal font.

Looking around the sanctuary on Sunday, after having officially welcomed a new little person into our church family, I contemplated the old adage that “it takes a village to raise a child” and I reflected on the profound impact that our church and our community Sunday school had on Caelan during his formative years; how both these "spiritual villages'', as well as our safe and insular village of Navan, helped support, nurture, and shape Caelan into the young man he is today. From congregants to choir and from mentors to clergy... what blessings you have all bestowed on so many youngsters over the years. So much goodness; so much Godness; so much love.

It's not my intention, dear readers, to make you feel old, but, along with my thoughts, I'm sharing a family photo that was taken at Caelan’s university convocation on June 12, 2024… almost 21 years to the day since his baptism. Makes one wonder where the years go.

With a grateful heart, Heather ♥️ (Monkman, Caelan's Mom)

Upcoming Events/Meetings:

  • Community News – Music in the Park 2024 - At the domes on the Navan Fairgrounds, rain or shine, every Wednesday in June. Free concerts from 7-8:30 pm;

  • NVUC Council - NEW DATE - Tuesday, July 2 @ 6:30 pm.

  • Navan Fair Ecumenical Service @ NVUC - Aug. 11 @ 10:00 am

  • NVUC Anniversary Service - Sept. 8 @ 10 am

Team Schedule – June-July 2024

  • June 30 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids

  • July 7 - Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome

  • July 14 - Gerry Dust + Team - Communion

  • July 21 - Joan Rathwell + Team

  • July 28 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10! Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

At the domes on the Navan Fairgrounds, rain or shine, every Wednesday in June.

Free concerts from 7-8:30 pm

  • June 26 – Valley Mountain Duo (Folk, Pop, Country)

Announcements – June 16, 2024

Indigenous Day of Prayer, the Sunday before National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21), is an opportunity to celebrate First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples’ values, customs, languages, and culture.

As always, check out the service online on the NVUC Facebook page  

Upcoming Events/Meetings:

  • Community News – Music in the Park 2024 - At the domes on the Navan Fairgrounds, rain or shine, every Wednesday in June. Free concerts from 7-8:30 pm;

  • Cookie Donations Wanted for Music in the Park on June 19! UCW Cookie Packaging Party - Deliver to Joan Rathwell's house (2002 Colonial Road - tel. 613-835-9814) on Tuesday, June 18 @ 6:30 pm. Thank you, helpers!

  • Upcoming Baptism - We are delighted to be baptizing Waylon John Bear Brazeau son of Al and Amanda Brazeau brother of Matilda and Boden His grandmother is Dawna Larocque, and godparents are Matt and Maria Hill. The congregation is invited to gather in the tent outside the church on June 23, 2024 for refreshments after the sacrament of baptism.

  • NVUC Council - NEW DATE - Tuesday, July 2 @ 6:30 pm.

  • Annual Memorial Service – Wilson Cemetery, Navan - June 23 @ 2:30 pm (at cemetery weather permitting; alternate location NVUC)

  • Navan Fair Ecumenical Service @ NVUC - Aug. 11 @ 10:00 am

  • NVUC Anniversary Service - Sept. 8 @ 10 am

Team Schedule – June-July 2024

  • June 23 - Gerry Dust + Team

  • June 30 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids

  • July 7 - Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome

  • July 14 - Gerry Dust + Team - Communion

  • July 21 - Joan Rathwell + Team

  • July 28 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids

Absence Alert: Rev. Nancy on vacation July 13-20, 2024. For pastoral care emergencies Rev. Stephanie Bates, St. Andrew's UC, Cumberland, 613-833-2604 (church phone), will provide coverage during Rev. Best’s vacation.

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10!

Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

At the domes on the Navan Fairgrounds, rain or shine, every Wednesday in June.

Free concerts from 7-8:30 pm

  • June 12 – The Centralaires Community Concert Band

    June 19 – The Nepean Concert Band – UCW

  • Cookie Packaging Party - location change! Cookie donations wanted please for Music in the Park on June 19!
    Deliver to Joan Rathwell's house (2002 Colonial Road - tel. 613-835-9814) on Tuesday, June 18 @ 6:30 pm. UCW will package them. Thank you, helpers!

  • June 26 – Valley Mountain Duo (Folk, Pop, Country)

Announcements – June 9, 2024

As always, check out the service online on the NVUC Facebook page  

Upcoming Events/Meetings:

  • Community News – Music in the Park 2024 - At the domes on the Navan Fairgrounds, rain or shine, every Weds in June. Free concerts from 7-8:30 pm;

  • Worship Committee Meeting – NEW DATE: June 13 @ 6:30 pm

  • Cookie Donations Wanted for Music in the Park on June 19! UCW Cookie Packaging Party - Deliver to Joan Rathwell's house (2002 Colonial Road - tel. 613-835-9814) on Tuesday, June 18 @ 6:30 pm. Thank you, helpers!

  • Upcoming Baptism - We are delighted to be baptizing Waylon John Bear Brazeau son of Al and Amanda Brazeau brother of Matilda and Boden His grandmother is Dawna Larocque, and godparents are Matt and Maria Hill. The congregation is invited to gather in the tent outside the church on June 23, 2024 for refreshments after the sacrament of baptism.

  • NVUC Council - NEW DATE - Tuesday, July 2 @ 6:30 pm.

  • Annual Memorial Service – Wilson Cemetery, Navan - June 23 @ 2:30 pm (at cemetery weather permitting; alternate location NVUC)

  • Navan Fair Ecumenical Service @ NVUC - Aug. 11 @ 10:00 am

  • NVUC Anniversary Service - Sept. 8 @ 10 am

Team Schedule – June-July 2024

  • June 16 - Pam MacCaull + Dream Team (Communion, Father's Day)

  • June 23 - Gerry Dust + Team

  • June 30 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids

  • July 7 - Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome

  • July 14 - Gerry Dust + Team - Communion

  • July 21 - Joan Rathwell + Team

  • July 28 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids

Absence Alert: Rev. Nancy on vacation July 13-20, 2024. For pastoral care emergencies Rev. Stephanie Bates, St. Andrew's UC, Cumberland, 613-833-2604 (church phone), will provide coverage during Rev. Best’s vacation.

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10!

Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

At the domes on the Navan Fairgrounds, rain or shine, every Wednesday in June.

Free concerts from 7-8:30 pm

  • June 12 – The Centralaires Community Concert Band

    June 19 – The Nepean Concert Band – UCW

  • Cookie Packaging Party - location change! Cookie donations wanted please for Music in the Park on June 19!
    Deliver to Joan Rathwell's house (2002 Colonial Road - tel. 613-835-9814) on Tuesday, June 18 @ 6:30 pm. UCW will package them. Thank you, helpers!

  • June 26 – Valley Mountain Duo (Folk, Pop, Country)

Announcements – June 2, 2024

Many thanks to our LLWL Barbara Johns for writing our prayers for our June 2 worship service!   As always, check out the service online on the NVUC Facebook page  Thank you to Gerry Dust for the bulletin cover photo – Spring flowers and Stained-Glass windows in the NVUC sanctuary.

Thank you to Barbara Johns and Jean-Guy Jacob for the wonderful and moving special music yesterday!  "The song is a very special hymn and musical treat, and a sermon all by itself" says Rev. Nancy.  All my Tears by Julie Miller.   Have a listen:   

Yesterday, the Vars United Church Cemetery Annual Memorial Service took place @ 2:30 pm at the cemetery. Rev. Mike Perreault officiated.

The Vars United Church Cemetery Board Jeff Hamilton, Meryl Jackson, and Anne Sabourin) plans and organizes this annual Memorial service today. (Would you be interested in working with us on this volunteer Cemetery Board? Please reach out to Anne Sabourin for details. ( Donations are much appreciated also – Cheques payable to Vars United Church Cemetery Fund. Send to: Jeff Hamilton, Chair, Vars United Church Cemetery Board, 1428 Devine Road, Vars ON K0A 3HO

Thanks to Gerry Dust (NVUC congregational rep) and Kimberley Allen-McGill (volunteer) for attending the Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council's Annual Meeting May 31 and June 1, 2024 on our behalf. Reverend Nancy (all clergy are members of EOORC) attended by zoom. Rev. Nancy is now the EOORC's Indigenous Representative. She is also Pastoral Supervisor for Rothwell United Church. (Learn more about EOORC and the meeting here:

Next Week - Pam Graydon leads NVUC's worship service (Rev. Nancy on vacation) that will mark the UCC's 99th Anniversary! Also, June 9 @ 4 pm – UCC 100th Anniversary Kick-Off Worship Service – Preacher Rev. Michael Blair, General Secretary, UCC. Metropolitan UC, Toronto – Will be livestreamed. Details:

All UCC summer camps are accepting registrations. See Camp Awesome promo at the bottom.

Upcoming Events/Meetings:

  • Community News – Music in the Park 2024 - At the domes on the Navan Fairgrounds, rain or shine, every Weds in June. Free concerts from 7-8:30 pm; June 5 only – Community BBQ prior to concert @ 6 pm. The Orleans Jazz Band in concert!

  • Worship Committee Meeting – NEW DATE: June 13 @ 6:30 pm

  • Cookie Donations Wanted for Music in the Park on June 19! UCW Cookie Packaging Party - Deliver to Joan Rathwell's house (2002 Colonial Road - tel. 613-835-9814) on Tuesday, June 18 @ 6:30 pm. Thank you, helpers!

  • Upcoming Baptism - We are delighted to be baptizing Waylon John Bear Brazeau son of Al and Amanda Brazeau brother of Matilda and Boden His grandmother is Dawna Larocque, and godparents are Matt and Maria Hill. The congregation is invited to gather in the tent outside the church on June 23, 2024 for refreshments after the sacrament of baptism.

  • NVUC Council - NEW DATE - Tuesday, July 2 @ 6:30 pm.

  • Annual Memorial Service – Wilson Cemetery, Navan - June 23 @ 2:30 pm (at cemetery weather permitting; alternate location NVUC)

  • Navan Fair Ecumenical Service @ NVUC - Aug. 11 @ 10:00 am

  • NVUC Anniversary Service - Sept. 8 @ 10 am

Team Schedule – June 2024

  • June 9 - Joan Rathwell + Team (Kickoff Celebrations UCC's 100th Year Anniversary)

  • June 16 - Pam MacCaull + Dream Team (Communion, Father's Day)

  • June 23 - Gerry Dust + Team

  • June 30 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids

Rev. Nancy on vacation! June 3-9, 2024 - Pam Graydon in the pulpit - June 9.
July 13-20, 2024. For pastoral care emergencies Rev. Stephanie Bates, St. Andrew's UC, Cumberland, 613-833-2604 (church phone), will provide coverage during Rev. Best’s vacations.

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10!

Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

At the domes on the Navan Fairgrounds, rain or shine, every Wednesday in June.

Free concerts from 7-8:30 pm; June 5 only – Community BBQ prior to concert @ 6 pm.

June 5 – Orleans Jazz Band

June 12 – The Centralaires Community Concert Band

June 19 – The Nepean Concert Band – UCW Cookie Packaging Party - location change! Cookie donations wanted please for Music in the Park on June 19!
Deliver to Joan Rathwell's house (2002 Colonial Road - tel. 613-835-9814) on Tuesday, June 18 @ 6:30 pm. UCW will package them. Thank you, helpers!

June 26 – Valley Mountain Duo (Folk, Pop, Country)

Announcements – May 26, 2024

School's Out for Summer! Thank you to all who participated in, and supported NVUC's Sunday School this year! Time for summer break and maybe camp?
All UCC summer camps are accepting registrations. See Camp Awesome promo at the bottom.

Upcoming Events/Meetings:

  • NVUC Council - NEW DATE - Tuesday, July 2 @ 6:30 pm. (City of Ottawa Water Rate Structure Review Meeting conflicted with the previous date. Please update your calendars.)

  • Annual Memorial Service – Wilson Cemetery, Navan - June 23 @ 2:30 pm (at cemetery weather permitting; alternate location NVUC)

  • Navan Fair Ecumenical Service @ NVUC - Aug. 11 @ 10:00 am

  • NVUC Anniversary Service - Sept. 8 @ 10 am

Team Schedule – June 2024

  • June 2 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids

  • June 9 - Joan Rathwell + Team (Kickoff Celebrations UCC's 100th Year Anniversary)

  • June 16 - Pam MacCaull + Dream Team (Communion, Father's Day)

  • June 23 - Gerry Dust + Team

  • June 30 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids

Rev. Nancy on vacation! June 3-9, 2024 - Pam Graydon in the pulpit - June 9.
July 13-20, 2024. For pastoral care emergencies Rev. Stephanie Bates, St. Andrew's UC, Cumberland, 613-833-2604 (church phone), will provide coverage during Rev. Best’s vacations.

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10!

Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

At the domes on the Navan Fairgrounds, rain or shine, every Weds in June.

Free concerts from 7-8:30 pm; June 5 only – Community BBQ prior to concert @ 6 pm.

June 5 – Orleans Jazz Band

June 12 – The Centralaires Community Concert Band

June 19 – The Nepean Concert Band – UCW Cookie Packaging Party - location change! Cookie donations wanted please for Music in the Park on June 19!
Deliver to Joan Rathwell's house (2002 Colonial Road - tel. 613-835-9814) on Tuesday, June 18 @ 6:30 pm. UCW will package them. Thank you, helpers!

June 26 – Valley Mountain Duo (Folk, Pop, Country)

Announcements – May 19, 2024

Hope you are all enjoying this beautiful sunny day and long weekend!!! Yesterday was Pentecost Sunday ... a change in liturgical seasons, often referred to as the birthday of the church! The colour of Pentecost is red ... and symbols of fire, wind, and the holy spirit are part of it all! Did you miss yesterday's service? Here's a few gifts for you to get all fired up and to experience it all.

  1. NVUC's worship service can be found on the NVUC Facebook page every week ... here's the link ...
    Check out the choir's wonderful anthem ... Shine Jesus Shine ... "blaze Spirit blaze, set our hearts on fire ..."

  2. The gift of a song ... More Voices 23 Come O Holy Spirit was written by the late Rev. Fred Kaan, and Canadian hymnwriter Ron Klusmeier. It's a rockin' tune ... and the musicians of Golden Ears United Church in Maple Ridge BC have posted their version on youtube: It's a toe tapper, and why not sing along!!!

  3. Moderator's Pentecost Message - - Rt. Rev. Carmen Lansdowne.

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • Sunday School Last Day Before Summer – May 26

  • NVUC Council - NEW DATE - Tuesday, July 2 @ 6:30 pm. (City of Ottawa Water Rate Structure Review Meeting conflicted with the previous date. Please update your calendars.)

  • Navan Fair Ecumenical Service @ NVUC - Aug. 11 @ 10:00 am

  • NVUC Anniversary Service - Sept. 8 @ 10 am

A reminder to support our community partners, Boston Pizza, and Home Hardware, and support NVUC at the same time. These businesses will donate 10% of your net purchase back to NVUC. Simply advise the cashier at Home Hardware you are with Navan Vars UC & at Boston Pizza write “Navan Vars United Church '' on the back of your receipt and place it in the box at the front counter. Help us to support NVUC’s programs! Thank you!

Team Schedule – May/June 2024

  • May 26 – Shelley Douglas and Team Awesome (Trinity Sunday) LAST Fellowship before summer break! Sunday School Closes for the summer!

  • June 2 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids

  • June 9 - Joan Rathwell + Team (Kickoff Celebrations UCC's 100th Year Anniversary)

  • June 16 - Pam MacCaull + Dream Team (Communion, Father's Day)

  • June 23 - Gerry Dust + Team

  • June 30 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10!

Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

At the domes on the Navan Fairgrounds, rain or shine, every Weds in June.

Free concerts from 7-8:30 pm; June 5 only – Community BBQ prior to concert @ 6 pm.

June 5 – Orleans Jazz Band

June 12 – The Centralaires Community Concert Band

June 19 – The Nepean Concert Band – NVUC UCW Cookies!!!! (Advance notice – Cookie donations wanted! Deliver to NVUC on Tuesday, June 18 @ 6:30 pm UCW will package them.)

June 26 – Valley Mountain Duo (Folk, Pop, Country)

Announcements – May 12, 2024

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • Sunday School Last Day Before Summer – May 26

  • Navan Fair Ecumenical Service @ NVUC - Aug. 11 @ 10:00 am

  • NVUC Anniversary Service - Sept. 8 @ 10 am

A reminder to support our community partners, Boston Pizza, and Home Hardware, and support NVUC at the same time. These businesses will donate 10% of your net purchase back to NVUC. Simply advise the cashier at Home Hardware you are with Navan Vars UC & at Boston Pizza write “Navan Vars United Church '' on the back of your receipt and place it in the box at the front counter. Help us to support NVUC’s programs! Thank you!

Team Schedule – May/June 2024

  • May 19 – Pam MacCaull + Dream Team (Pentecost)

  • May 26 – Shelley Douglas and Team Awesome (Trinity Sunday) LAST Fellowship before summer break! Sunday School Closes for the summer!

  • June 2 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids

  • June 9 - Joan Rathwell + Team (Kickoff Celebrations UCC's 100th Year Anniversary)

  • June 16 - Pam MacCaull + Dream Team (Communion, Father's Day)

  • June 23 - Gerry Dust + Team

  • June 30 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10!

Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

At the domes on the Navan Fairgrounds, rain or shine, every Weds in June.

Free concerts from 7-8:30 pm; June 5 only – Community BBQ prior to concert @ 6 pm.

June 5 – Orleans Jazz Band

June 12 – The Centralaires Community Concert Band

June 19 – The Nepean Concert Band – NVUC UCW Cookies!!!! (Advance notice – Cookie donations wanted! Deliver to NVUC on Tuesday, June 18 @ 6:30 pm UCW will package them.)

June 26 – Valley Mountain Duo (Folk, Pop, Country)

Announcements – May 5, 2024

Hats off to the many people who worked, donated, and supported two special fundraising events last week!

The UCW Yard and Bake Sale was a great success! Take a bow everyone who worked, donated, and baked! Did you miss it? Here's some pics of the action! (Thanks to Bonnie Bergeron for her baking pics!)

Special thanks to Don Macartney for coordinating, and the wonderful Ottawa Carleton Male Choir and their guest musicians, and artistic team! Their Sunday afternoon concert was beautiful. Special shoutout also to Jean-Guy Jacob and Pam MacCaull and friends who made a wonderful debut as the new musical group, J-G’s Jam! Thanks to Reg Best for sound/tech too! The concert revenues for NVUC were $780!!!

NVUC COUNCIL News - Church Extension Grant!!!

Church Extension Committee, Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council - The Church Extension Committee provides ongoing support for the Communities of Faith in the Eastern Ontario Outaouais Region with respect to their physical assets and facilities. Thank you Council Chair Dave Douglas, Margaret Struthers, and team for their planning work, and a strong grant application!!! The Church Extension Committee approved a grant of $18,500 in support of NVUC's kitchen renovation project! Woohoo!!!!

Congratulations Rev. Nancy!

EOORC's Executive Minister, Rev. Éric Hèbert-Daly, is a great talent scout! He knows just the right person for the job, I'd say! NVUC's own Rev. Nancy Best has been invited to serve as EOORC's Regional Indigenous Representative. She has accepted the role (which is in addition to her work as NVUC's minister). "I have agreed, as I feel I can serve my community and church well in this area," says Rev. Nancy. In the photo below, Rev. Nancy, wearing her favourite ribbon skirt, attended the ordination of Rev. Robert Patton, the first Mohawk Ordinand to be ordained. The service took place at Kanesatake United Church on the Akwesasne Quebec Mohawk Reserve where Rev. Nancy's grandmother grew up. Wishing you blessings on your new ministry, Rev. Nancy!

Upcoming Events/Meetings

* NVUC fundraisers for our kitchen renos! All are welcome! Bring friends!

Team Schedule – May 2024

  • May 12 – Joan Rathwell and Team (Communion)

  • May 19 – Pam MacCaull + Dream Team (Pentecost)

  • May 26 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids (SS Closing)

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10!

Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

UCW Yard and Bake Sale posters available at the back of the church. Start spreading the news … and save the date! Thank you for helping to promote in the community!

All UCC summer camps are hiring and preparing for registrations! Here's a list of camps and websites for more information:

Rideau Hill Camp -

Camp Awesome -

Camp Lau-Ren -

Camp Kalalla -

All UCC Summer Camps are Hiring and Preparing for Registrations!

Announcements – April 28, 2024

A busy weekend at NVUC!!!! It was Camping Sunday! Thank you to Pam Graydon, for her music leadership yesterday, and to the choir who share their gifts of song so joyously each week!!! Special thanks to our Sunday School leadership crew at NVUC - Roberta Cotton, Joan Rathwell, Pam Graydon, and Ronnie Smith! This week the Sunday School kids, accompanied by Jean-Guy Jacob on guitar, sang the anthem "This Little Light of Mine" beautifully! Want to hear it? The service is posted on the NVUC Facebook page!

UCW Yard and Bake Sale News – May 4, 2024 9 am – noon

Wanted: Yard sale items (no electronics, large furniture, or clothing please)!!! Drop off/set up/pricing dates as follows:
Tuesdays - April 16, 23 and 30 at 1:30 pm. and Thursdays- April 18, 25 and May 2 at 3:30 pm. Helpers are greatly appreciated!
Wanted: Baking!!!! Most popular items are: bread, buns, cakes, loaves, cookies, squares, candy/fudge, muffins, tarts, baked beans, jams/jellies, pickles, etc.
Baking can be brought to the church on Friday, May 3 from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm, or on Saturday morning.

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • Spring Concert with the Ottawa Carleton Male Choir with Director Christine Admiral and Collaborative Pianist Rhys Carriére-Webster @ NVUC! April 28 @ 2:30 pm. $20 at the door or via etransfer. NEW – Special guest musicians - JG’s Jam! Please share the news!

  • UCW Yard and Bake Sale – May 4 @ 9 ‘til Noon.

* NVUC fundraisers for our kitchen renos! All are welcome! Bring friends!

Team Schedule – May 2024

  • May 5 – Gerry Dust + Team

  • May 12 – Joan Rathwell and Team (Communion)

  • May 19 – Pam MacCaull + Dream Team (Pentecost)

  • May 26 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids (SS Closing)

Have you seen the book? “The United Church of Canada – Unfettered for 2025 Celebrations” is a coffee table book and a special project to help kickoff the UCC’s 100th anniversary year. (See A signup sheet to get a copy is available in the church (bulk order planned, to get it for ½ price - $14.95) or contact Laurie Watson - Deadline: May 1, 2024.

Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

UCW Yard and Bake Sale posters available at the back of the church. Start spreading the news … and save the date! Thank you for helping to promote in the community!

All UCC summer camps are hiring and preparing for registrations! Here's a list of camps and websites for more information:

Rideau Hill Camp -

Camp Awesome -

Camp Lau-Ren -

Camp Kalalla -

All UCC Summer Camps are Hiring and Preparing for Registrations!

Announcements – April 21, 2024

Thank you to Margaret Struthers for her music leadership yesterday, and to the choir who share their gifts of song so joyously each week!!!

We give thanks to God and all those who cared for our indefatiguable Don Macartney, who had a pacemaker installed last week, and is now at home recovering! t

UCW Yard and Bake Sale News – May 4 – 9 am – noon

It's full steam ahead getting organized for the Yard and Bake Sale!
Wanted: Yard sale items (no electronics, large furniture, or clothing please)!!! Drop off/set up/pricing dates as follows:
Tuesdays - April 16, 23 and 30 at 1:30 pm. and Thursdays- April 18, 25 and May 2 at 3:30 pm. Helpers are greatly appreciated!
Wanted: Baking!!!! Most popular items are: bread, buns, cakes, loaves, cookies, squares, candy/fudge, muffins, tarts, baked beans, jams/jellies, pickles, etc. Price list attached to this email! Baking can be brought to the church on Friday, May 3 from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm, or on Saturday morning.

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • Spring Concert with the Ottawa Carleton Male Choir with Director Christine Admiral and Collaborative Pianist Rhys Carriére-Webster @ NVUC! April 28 @ 2:30 pm. $20 at the door or via etransfer. NEW – Special guest musicians - JG’s Jam! Please share the news!

  • UCW Yard and Bake Sale – May 4 @ 9 ‘til Noon.

* NVUC fundraisers for our kitchen renos! All are welcome! Bring friends!

Team Schedule – April 2024

  • April 28 – Pam MacCaull + Dream Team

  • May 5 – Gerry Dust + Team

  • May 12 – Joan Rathwell and Team (Communion)

  • May 19 – Pam MacCaull + Dream Team (Pentecost)

  • May 26 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids (SS Closing)

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10!

Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

UCW Yard and Bake Sale posters available at the back of the church.

All UCC summer camps are hiring and preparing for registrations! Here's a list of camps and websites for more information:

Rideau Hill Camp -

Camp Awesome -

Camp Lau-Ren -

Camp Kalalla -

All UCC Summer Camps are Hiring and Preparing for Registrations!

Announcements – April 21, 2024

Thank you to Margaret Struthers for her music leadership yesterday, and to the choir who share their gifts of song so joyously each week!!!

We give thanks to God and all those who cared for our indefatiguable Don Macartney, who had a pacemaker installed last week, and is now at home recovering! t

UCW Yard and Bake Sale News – May 4 – 9 am – noon

It's full steam ahead getting organized for the Yard and Bake Sale!
Wanted: Yard sale items (no electronics, large furniture, or clothing please)!!! Drop off/set up/pricing dates as follows:
Tuesdays - April 16, 23 and 30 at 1:30 pm. and Thursdays- April 18, 25 and May 2 at 3:30 pm. Helpers are greatly appreciated!
Wanted: Baking!!!! Most popular items are: bread, buns, cakes, loaves, cookies, squares, candy/fudge, muffins, tarts, baked beans, jams/jellies, pickles, etc. Price list attached to this email! Baking can be brought to the church on Friday, May 3 from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm, or on Saturday morning.

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • Spring Concert with the Ottawa Carleton Male Choir with Director Christine Admiral and Collaborative Pianist Rhys Carriére-Webster @ NVUC! April 28 @ 2:30 pm. $20 at the door or via etransfer. NEW – Special guest musicians - JG’s Jam! Please share the news!

  • UCW Yard and Bake Sale – May 4 @ 9 ‘til Noon.

* NVUC fundraisers for our kitchen renos! All are welcome! Bring friends!

Team Schedule – April 2024

  • April 21 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids (Communion)

  • April 28 – Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10!

Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

UCW Yard and Bake Sale posters available at the back of the church. Start spreading the news … and save the date! Thank you for helping to promote in the community!

All UCC summer camps are hiring and preparing for registrations! Here's a list of camps and websites for more information:

Rideau Hill Camp -

Camp Awesome -

Camp Lau-Ren -

Camp Kalalla -

All UCC Summer Camps are Hiring and Preparing for Registrations!

Announcements – April 14, 2024

It was Holy Humour Sunday this week! Did you miss it? See Navan Vars UC Facebook page to see the smiles and fun! (Thanks to Gerry Dust for the pics!!!)

Rev. Nancy's 9 yo granddaughter, Primrose, helps the choir ... I Can Feel You Near Me God (Jump for Joy) by Pat Mayberry! No stuffies or choristers were harmed during this exciting performance! -:) A champion joke teller was on the scene too - Cormac, 7 yo, grandson of Barb and Donald Johns - delivered the goods!!! -:)

Heartfelt best wishes to Don Macartney, our indefatiguable Chair of M and P, and his private nurse, Susan! On Friday evening, Don was admitted to hospital. Rev. Nancy visited Don this morning. He is in good spirits and will have a pacemaker implanted in the next couple of days. He thanks everyone for their prayers and support.

UCW Yard and Bake Sale News – May 4 – 9 am – noon

It's full steam ahead getting organized for the Yard and Bake Sale!
Wanted: Yard sale items (no electronics, large furniture, or clothing please)!!! Drop off/set up/pricing dates as follows:
Tuesdays - April 16, 23 and 30 at 1:30 pm. and Thursdays- April 18, 25 and May 2 at 3:30 pm. Helpers are greatly appreciated!
Wanted: Baking!!!! Most popular items are: bread, buns, cakes, loaves, cookies, squares, candy/fudge, muffins, tarts, baked beans, jams/jellies, pickles, etc. Price list attached to this email! Baking can be brought to the church on Friday, May 3 from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm, or on Saturday morning.

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • Spring Concert with the Ottawa Carleton Male Choir with Director Christine Admiral and Collaborative Pianist Rhys Carriére-Webster @ NVUC! April 28 @ 2:30 pm. $20 at the door or via etransfer. NEW – Special guest musicians - JG’s Jam! Please share the news!

  • UCW Yard and Bake Sale – May 4 @ 9 ‘til Noon.

* NVUC fundraisers for our kitchen renos! All are welcome! Bring friends!

Team Schedule – April 2024

  • April 21 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids (Communion)

  • April 28 – Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10!

Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

UCW Yard and Bake Sale posters available at the back of the church. Start spreading the news … and save the date! Thank you for helping to promote in the community!

All UCC summer camps are hiring and preparing for registrations! Here's a list of camps and websites for more information:

Rideau Hill Camp -

Camp Awesome -

Camp Lau-Ren -

Camp Kalalla -

All UCC Summer Camps are Hiring and Preparing for Registrations!

Announcements – April 7, 2024

A special thank you to Pam Graydon for leading worship on Sunday while Rev. Nancy was on vacation.

Thank you also to Gerry Dust for the wonderful photo on the cover of our bulletin!

We offer our deepest sympathies to Don and Susan Macartney on the passing of Don's sister, Dorothy McGill in Carp, ON on March 28. In this time of sorrow, we pray that you will find comfort in God's loving embrace.

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • UCW Meeting – April 8 @ 1:30 pm

  • NVUC Council – April 9 @ 6:30 pm

  • Spring Concert with the Ottawa Carleton Male Choir with Director Christine Admiral and Collaborative Pianist Rhys Carriére-Webster @ NVUC! April 28 @ 2:30 pm. $20 at the door or via etransfer. NEW – Special guest musicians - JG’s Jam! Please share the news!

  • UCW Yard and Bake Sale – May 4 @ 9 ‘til Noon.

* NVUC fundraisers for our kitchen renos! All are welcome! Bring friends!

Team Schedule – Holy Week/April 2024

  • April 14 – Gerry Dust + Team

  • April 21 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids (Communion)

  • April 28 – Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10!

Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

UCW Yard and Bake Sale posters available at the back of the church. Start spreading the news … and save the date! Thank you for helping to promote in the community!

All UCC summer camps are hiring and preparing for registrations! Here's a list of camps and websites for more information:

Rideau Hill Camp -

Camp Awesome -

Camp Lau-Ren -

Camp Kalalla -

All UCC Summer Camps are Hiring and Preparing for Registrations!

Announcements – March 31, 2024

Thank you to all those who contributed to Holy Week services at NVUC! A special shoutout to two talented fellows who, along with Rev. Nancy, were in lead roles in the Good Friday drama! Hats off to Troy Lemieux (11 yo son of Meghan Douglas), and Dave Douglas (Troy's Grandpa and Chair of NVUC Council) for sharing their gifts leading and reading during the service. See them in action in the Good Friday worship service video on the NVUC Facebook page.

Rev. Nancy is on vacation as of April 1; back Monday, April 8, 2024. Thank you to Pam Graydon, who will lead worship on Sunday, April 7, 2024.
UCW Yard and Bake Sale posters available at the back of the church. Start spreading the news … and save the date! Thank you for helping to promote in the community!

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • UCW Meeting – April 8 @ 1:30 pm

  • NVUC Council – April 9 @ 6:30 pm

  • Spring Concert with the Ottawa Carleton Male Choir with Director Christine Admiral and Collaborative Pianist Rhys Carriére-Webster @ NVUC! April 28 @ 2:30 pm. $20 at the door or via etransfer. NEW – Special guest musicians - JG’s Jam! Please share the news!

  • UCW Yard and Bake Sale – May 4 @ 9 ‘til Noon.

* NVUC fundraisers for our kitchen renos! All are welcome! Bring friends!

Team Schedule – April 2024

  • April 7 – Pam MacCaull + Dream Team (Pam Graydon/pulpit)

  • April 14 – Gerry Dust + Team

  • April 21 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids (Communion)

  • April 28 – Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10!

Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

April 12, 2024, 7 pm Tickets $20 per person, available at:

All UCC summer camps are hiring and preparing for registrations! Here's a list of camps and websites for more information:

Rideau Hill Camp -

Camp Awesome -

Camp Lau-Ren -

Camp Kalalla -

All UCC Summer Camps are Hiring and Preparing for Registrations!

Announcements – March 24, 2024

Yesterday was Palm Sunday! It's the beginning of Holy Week.

Good Friday service this week is March 29 @ 10 a.m. Help Wanted - 2 Readers for a Good Friday Drama! The Script and a leading role is yours by getting in touch today with Rev. Nancy Best! Email:; tel. 613-834-6816!

Easter Sunday worship with communion, is on Sunday, March 31 @ 10 a.m. (No Sunday School on March 31).

Rev. Nancy is on vacation as of April 1; back Monday, April 8, 2024. Thank you to Pam Graydon, who will lead worship on Sunday, April 7, 2024.
UCW Yard and Bake Sale posters available at the back of the church. Start spreading the news … and save the date! Thank you for helping to promote in the community!

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • Worship Committee – March 26 @ 6:30 pm

  • UCW Meeting – April 8 @ 1:30 pm

  • NVUC Council – April 9 @ 6:30 pm

  • Concert – Ottawa Carleton Male Choir with JG's Jam as special guest musicians!!!! – April 28 @ 2:30 pm

  • UCW Yard and Bake Sale – May 4 @ 9 ‘til Noon.

* NVUC fundraisers for our kitchen renos! All are welcome! Bring friends!

Team Schedule – Holy Week/April 2024

  • March 29 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids (Good Friday) 

  • March 31 – Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome (Communion)

  • April 7 – Pam MacCaull + Dream Team (Pam Graydon/pulpit)

  • April 14 – Gerry Dust + Team

  • April 21 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids (Communion)

  • April 28 – Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10!

Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

April 12, 2024, 7 pm Tickets $20 per person, available at:

All UCC summer camps are hiring and preparing for registrations! Here's a list of camps and websites for more information:

Rideau Hill Camp -

Camp Awesome -

Camp Lau-Ren -

Camp Kalalla -

All UCC Summer Camps are Hiring and Preparing for Registrations!

Announcements – March 17, 2024

Hope your St. Patrick's Day was wonderful! Here's a little shamrock and poem!!! Also, a throwback to the NVUC Concert on March 10 - Lord of the Dance performed by Spencer Scharf!
UCW Yard and Bake Sale posters available at the back of the church. Start spreading the news … and save the date! Thank you for helping to promote in the community!

Concerts* @ NVUC!

Ottawa Carleton Male Choir and Director Christine Admiral Bwalda in concert @ NVUC! April 28 @ 2:30 pm.

*NVUC fundraisers for our kitchen renos! All are welcome! Bring friends!

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • Worship Committee – March 17 @ 11 am (after church)

  • NVUC Council – April 9 @ 6:30 pm

  • UCW Yard and Bake Sale – May 4 @ 9 ‘til Noon.

Team Schedule – Mar 2024

  • March 24 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids (Palm Sunday) 

  • March 29 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids (Good Friday) 

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10!

Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

April 12, 2024, 7 pm Tickets $20
per person, available at:

All UCC summer camps are hiring and preparing for registrations! Here's a list of camps and websites for more information:

Rideau Hill Camp -

Camp Awesome -

Camp Lau-Ren -

Camp Kalalla -

All UCC Summer Camps are Hiring and Preparing for Registrations!

Announcements – March 10, 2024

What do Chairs of Ministry and Personnel Committees do in their spare time?  They preach!  Warm thanks to Don Macartney for pinch hitting for Rev. Nancy at yesterday's service, while she recovers from a nasty respiratory infection.   Wishing you a gentle and speedy recovery Rev.! 

Navan Vars UC Council votes 'yes' with a strong majority on Remit 1 - Establishing an Autonomous National Indigenous Organization with the United Church of Canada.
For more information:

UCW Yard and Bake Sale posters available at the back of the church. Start spreading the news … and save the date! Thank you for helping to promote in the community!

Concerts* @ NVUC!

March 10 @ 2 pm –Get your green on! St. Patrick’s Day tunes and more with multi-instrumentalist Spencer Scharf - $20 Cash at the door or Etransfer.

Ottawa Carleton Male Choir and Director Christine Admiral Bwalda in concert @ NVUC! April 28 @ 2:30 pm.

*NVUC fundraisers for our kitchen renos! All are welcome! Bring friends!

Check out the news in the Navan Nugget, the March issue is now available online -  

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • UCW Meeting – March 4 @ 1:30 pm

  • Worship Committee – March 17 @ 11 am (after church)

  • NVUC Council – April 9 @ 6:30 pm

  • UCW Yard and Bake Sale – May 4 @ 9 ‘til Noon.

Team Schedule – Mar 2024

  • March 17 – Pam MacCaull + Dream Team

  • March 24 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids (Palm Sunday) 

  • March 29 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids (Good Friday) 

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10!

Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

April 12, 2024, 7 pm Tickets $20 per person, available at:

Orleans United Church

All UCC summer camps are hiring and preparing for registrations! Here's a list of camps and websites for more information:

Rideau Hill Camp -

Camp Awesome -

Camp Lau-Ren -

Camp Kalalla -

All UCC Summer Camps are Hiring and Preparing for Registrations!

Announcements – March 3, 2024

A warm thank you to Pam Graydon for her leadership and inspiring message from the pulpit yesterday! Rev. Nancy Best was on vacation and will be back this week!

New! UCW Yard and Bake Sale posters available at the back of the church. Start spreading the news … and save the date! Thank you for helping to promote in the community!

Concerts* @ NVUC!

March 10 @ 2 pm –Get your green on! St. Patrick’s Day tunes and more with multi-instrumentalist Spencer Scharf - $20 Cash at the door or Etransfer.

Ottawa Carleton Male Choir and Director Christine Admiral Bwalda in concert @ NVUC! April 28 @ 2:30 pm.

*NVUC fundraisers for our kitchen renos! All are welcome! Bring friends!

Check out the news in the Navan Nugget, the March issue is now available online -  

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • UCW Meeting – March 4 @ 1:30 pm

  • Worship Committee – March 17 @ 11 am (after church)

  • NVUC Council – April 9 @ 6:30 pm

  • UCW Yard and Bake Sale – May 4 @ 9 ‘til Noon.

Team Schedule – Mar 2024

  • March 10 – Gerry Dust +Team (Communion)

  • March 17 – Pam MacCaull + Dream Team

  • March 24 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids (Palm Sunday) 

  • March 29 - Don Macartney + Choir Kids (Good Friday) 

Bulletin Sponsorships available for $10!

Honour a loved one, celebrate a milestone, and support NVUC at the same time. 

Send bookings, messages, and etransfer to

Community News

April 12, 2024, 7 pm Tickets $20 per person, available at:

Orleans United Church

All UCC Summer Camps are Hiring and Preparing for Registrations!

Announcements – February 25, 2024

Coldest Night of the Year 2024

A hot chocolate toast and hearty congrats to all who joined in or sponsored the Navan Moonlighters on their walk on the Coldest Night of the Year 2024 on Saturday, February 24!!!  Team Captain Don Macartney and his walkers raised an astounding $6820. for Jericho Road Ministries. See pics and info below. Thanks to Gerry Dust and Jodi Sabourin for the pics!!! 

This week – Rev. Nancy is on vacation. Thanks to Pam Graydon who will be in the pulpit on March 3.

LF an angel! Brass candle snuffer with angel design missing; last seen on Christmas Eve @ NVUC. Packed away with holiday decorations? If found,
please email: Family heirloom, and owner will be thrilled!!!

Check out the news in the Navan Nugget, the March issue is now available online -  

Concerts* @ NVUC!

March 10 @ 2 pm –Get your green on! St. Patrick’s Day tunes and more with multi-instrumentalist Spencer Scharf - $20 Cash at the door or Etransfer.

Ottawa Carleton Male Choir and Director Christine Admiral Bwalda in concert @ NVUC! April 28 @ 2:30 pm.

*NVUC fundraisers for our kitchen renos! All are welcome! Bring friends!

Check out the news in the Navan Nugget, the March issue is now available online -  

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • UCW Meeting – March 4 @ 1:30 pm

  • NVUC Council – April 9 @ 6:30 pm

  • UCW Yard and Bake Sale – May 4 @ 9 ‘til Noon.

Team Schedule – Mar 2024

  • March 3 – Joan Rathwell +Team (Pam Graydon in the pulpit; Rev. Nancy on vacation)

  • March 10 – Gerry Dust +Team (Communion)

  • March 17 – Pam MacCaull + Dream Team

  • March 24 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids (Palm Sunday) 

Did you know that there was a Coldest Skate of Year 2024 this weekend too? Rev. Nancy and family were there! Rideau Canal instagram below.

Rev. Nancy found some new friends ... "There was a large group of Inuit people visiting from the Arctic on Sparks Street. When I saw them in their ribbon skirts, I went over to chat. I loved how the animals, and Northern Lights on their skirts reflected their culture, and my purple one reflects the Mohawk culture. What a gift of an encounter!

Announcements – February 18, 2024

Well that's a wrap!!!  2023 was a very good year!  Council Chair, Dr. Dave Douglas in his closing remarks at yesterday's Annual General Meeting said "A heartfelt thank you to all who contributed in so many ways to Navan Vars United Church."   "Right back atcha Dave'" was the comment from the floor!   Congratulations everyone!  

Did you miss the special AGM themed worship service yesterday?  Techie glitches happened, but now the recorded service is posted on Facebook.  Check out the summary of the year in pictures especially!     The service is available here:

Go Team go!!!   Walk, donate, and/or cheer on the Navan Moonlighters!!! 

Coldest Night of the Year 2024 - The Navan Moonlighters are registered for the Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser! Sign up to walk on February 24, 2024 with Team Captain Don Macartney (  Details:  

Donations welcome here:

No Sunday School on Feb. 25!

Concerts* @ NVUC!

March 10 @ 2 pm –Get your green on! St. Patrick’s Day tunes and more with multi-instrumentalist Spencer Scharf - $20 Cash at the door or Etransfer.

Ottawa Carleton Male Choir and Director Christine Admiral Bwalda in concert @ NVUC! April 28 @ 2:30 pm.

*NVUC fundraisers for our kitchen renos! All are welcome! Bring friends!

Coldest Night of the Year 2024 - The Navan Moonlighters are registered for the Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser! Sign up to walk on February 24, 2024 with Team Captain Don Macartney ( Details:

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • UCW Meeting – March 4 @ 1:30 pm

  • NVUC Council – April 9 @ 6:30 pm

  • UCW Yard and Bake Sale – May 4 @ 9 ‘til Noon.

Team Schedule – Feb-Mar 2024

  • Feb 25 – Don Macartney and the Choir Kids

  • March 3 – Joan Rathwell +Team (Pam Graydon in the pulpit; Rev. Nancy on vacation)

  • March 10 – Gerry Dust +Team (Communion)

  • March 17 – Pam MacCaull + Dream Team

  • March 24 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids (Palm Sunday) 

Announcements – February 11, 2024

Printed copies of the Annual Report 2023 are available in the church (One per family please!) NEXT WEEK (Feb 18) – AGM + PotLuck Lunch. Bring your Annual Report and some food to share after church. All are welcome at the Annual General Meeting!

Concerts* @ NVUC!

March 10 @ 2 pm –Get your green on! St. Patrick’s Day tunes and more with multi-instrumentalist Spencer Scharf - $20 Cash at the door or Etransfer.

Ottawa Carleton Male Choir and Director Christine Admiral Bwalda in concert @ NVUC! April 28 @ 2:30 pm.

*NVUC fundraisers for our kitchen renos! All are welcome! Bring friends!

Coldest Night of the Year 2024 - The Navan Moonlighters are registered for the Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser! Sign up to walk on February 24, 2024 with Team Captain Don Macartney ( Details:

Upcoming Events/Meetings

Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day are Feb 14!

NVUC Council – April 9 @ 6:30 pm

UCW Yard and Bake Sale – May 4 @ 9 ‘til Noon.

Team Schedule – Feb 2024

  • Feb 18 – AGM + PotLuck – Joan Rathwell + Team

  • Feb 25 – Don Macartney and the Choir Kids

  • March 3 - Joan Rathwell + Team (Rev. Nancy vacation - Pam Graydon in the pulpit)

Announcements – February 4, 2024

Thanks to all who came to yesterday's Stories and Love Songs concert with Alanna J. Brown! Alanna's sweet voice and stories entertained all present and it was a successful fundraiser! To learn more about Alanna and hear her work, check out her website or connect with her via FB. A special thank you to Shelley, Dave and Laurie for the Valentine's treats ... cookies and apple cider. We love concert fans and treats!!!

Concerts* @ NVUC!

March 10 @ 2 pm –Get your green on! St. Patrick’s Day tunes and more with multi-instrumentalist Spencer Scharf - $20 Cash at the door or Etransfer.

Ottawa Carleton Male Choir and Director Christine Admiral Bwalda in concert @ NVUC! April 28 @ 2:30 pm.

*NVUC fundraisers for our kitchen renos! All are welcome! Bring friends!

Coldest Night of the Year 2024 - The Navan Moonlighters are registered for the Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser! Sign up to walk on February 24, 2024 with Team Captain Don Macartney ( Details:

Upcoming Events/Meetings

NVUC's Annual Report 2023 - Coming via email today!!!

Print copies for pickup at church on Sunday!

NVUC AGM and Potluck – Feb 18, 2024 After Church

UCW – Feb 5 @ 1:30 pm

NVUC Council – April 9 @ 6:30 pm

UCW Yard and Bake Sale – May 4 @ 9 ‘til Noon.

Team Schedule – Feb 2024

  • Feb 11 – Communion – Pam MacCaull + Dream Team

  • Feb 18 – AGM + PotLuck – Joan Rathwell + Team

  • Feb 25 – Don Macartney and the Choir Kids

  • March 3 - Joan Rathwell + Team (Rev. Nancy vacation - Pam Graydon in the pulpit)

Announcements – January 28, 2024

Thank you to LLWL Barb Johns for leading our service yesterday. Rev. Nancy was at a conference/professional development event and is back in the pulpit this week.

Wishing a wonderful belated Happy Birthday to both Shelley Douglas and Joan Rathwell this week!!!

Valentine’s Day and Love Songs – A winter warmup for everyone we love! With singer/guitarist Alanna Brown – Feb 4 @ 2 pm - $20 Cash at the door or Etransfer.

St. Patrick's Day Concert with Spencer.png

March 10 @ 2 pm –Get your green on! St. Patrick’s Day tunes and more with multi-instrumentalist Spencer Scharf - $20 Cash at the door or Etransfer.

Ottawa Carleton Male Choir in concert! April 28@ 2:30 pm.

*NVUC fundraisers for our kitchen renos! All are welcome! Bring friends!

Coldest Night of the Year 2024 - The Navan Moonlighters are registered for the Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser! Walk and raise money for local programs (Jericho Road Ministries) combating hurt, hunger and homelessness in our local community. Sign up to walk (both returning and new walkers welcome!) on February 24, 2024 with Team Captain Don Macartney (


Upcoming Events/Meetings

Annual General Meeting!

NVUC AGM and Potluck – Feb 18, 2024 - After church!

UCW – Feb 5 @ 1:30 pm

NVUC Council – April 9 @ 6:30 pm

UCW Yard and Bake Sale – May 4 @ 9 ‘til Noon.

Team Schedule – Feb 2024

  • Feb 4 – Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome

  • Feb 11 – Communion – Pam MacCaull + Dream Team

  • Feb 18 – AGM + PotLuck – Joan Rathwell + Team

  • Feb 25 – Don Macartney and the Choir Kids

Announcements – January 21, 2024

Concerts* @ NVUC! - Concert Posters Attached - Start Spreading the News!!!

Valentine’s Day and Love Songs – A winter warmup for everyone we love! With singer/guitarist Alanna Brown – Feb 4 @ 2 pm - $20 Cash at the door or Etransfer. Learn more about the artist here: .

March 10 @ 2 pm –Get your green on! St. Patrick’s Day tunes and more with multi-instrumentalist Spencer Scharf. $20 Cash at the door or Etransfer. Learn more about the artist here -

NEW!!!! - Ottawa Carleton Male Choir returns to NVUC!!!! In concert Sunday, April 28 @ 2:30 pm!

*NVUC concerts are fundraisers for our kitchen renos! All are welcome! Bring friends!

CNOY 2 Shake Your Booties.

Coldest Night of the Year 2024 - The Navan Moonlighters are registered for the Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser! Walk and raise money for local programs (Jericho Road Ministries) combating hurt, hunger and homelessness in our local community. Sign up to walk (both returning and new walkers welcome!) on February 24, 2024 with Team Captain Don Macartney (


Upcoming Events/Meetings

Potluck lunch.png

and Annual General Meeting!

Sunday, Feb 18 2024 After Church - REPORTS ARE NOW PAST DUE!!!! Send to

UCW – Feb 5 @ 1:30 pm

NVUC Council – April 9 @ 6:30 pm

UCW Yard and Bake Sale – May 4 @ 9 ‘til Noon.


Rev. Nancy attends “Palliative Care for Front-Line Workers in Indigenous Communities”, 2-day course in Vanier (continuing education opportunity). Offered by Lakehead University – Centre for Education and Research on Aging and Health and the Champlain Hospice Palliative Care Program.

Thank you to LLWL Barb Johns who will be leading our service on Jan 28.

It’s a Family Sunday for the kids – no Sunday School this week.

Team Schedule – Jan/Feb 2024

  • Jan 28 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids

  • Feb 4 – Shelley Douglas + Team Awesome

  • Feb 11 – Communion – Pam MacCaull + Dream Team

  • Feb 18 – AGM + PotLuck – Joan Rathwell + Team

Announcements – January 14, 2024

Welcome kids and families!!! Navan Community Sunday School began yesterday!

Welcome to the Navan Community Sunday School - we’re so delighted you’re here! A wonderful day at Sunday School - 6 kids and team of SS leaders on the scene! (Thank you Joan and Roberta for your work!)

Memories of the PopUp Pageant - December 17 2023! Got any pics to share?

Speaking of wonderful kids ... thank you to Rev. Nancy for sharing pics of the cast in action at the 2023 Christmas PopUp Pageant! Did you know that Kim is collecting NVUC photos? Send any you have, anytime, to They'll be used for our Annual Report, our new website (a work in progress at the moment), and to celebrate our church's presence in our community in announcements and promotional materials. Thanks in advance for sharing your pics and posts!!!

Thank you to Laurie and Perry Watson for their joyful bulletin sponsorship this week in celebration of grandson Edward Watson's 2nd birthday! Happy birthday beautiful boy from all your friends and family at NVUC!

Bulletin Sponsorships Welcome!

Honour a loved one, mark a celebration, offer a memorial dedication for a life lived, give thanks for a blessing received, or celebrate a milestone with a bulletin sponsorship! Book yours by sending an email with details/dates, and a $10 etransfer to We look forward to sharing your celebrations and experiences with you! Pssst ... the perfect anniversary and birthday present! -:)

Coldest Night of the Year 2024 - The Navan Moonlighters are registered for the Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser! Walk and raise money for local programs (Jericho Road Ministries) combating hurt, hunger and homelessness in our local community. Sign up to walk (both returning and new walkers welcome!) on February 24, 2024 with Team Captain Don Macartney (


Upcoming Events/Meetings

TOMORROW!!! NVUC Council+Visioning Session – Jan 16 @ 6:30 pm

UCW - Feb 5 @ 1:30 pm

Announcements – January 7, 2024

Welcome kids and families!!! Navan Community Sunday School began yesterday!

Coldest Night of the Year 2024 - The Navan Moonlighters are registered for the Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser! Walk and raise money for local programs (Jericho Road Ministries) combating hurt, hunger and homelessness in our local community. Sign up to walk (both returning and new walkers welcome!) on February 24, 2024 with Team Captain Don Macartney (


Upcoming Events/Meetings

UCW Meeting - Monday, Jan 8 @ 1:30 pm

NVUC Council – Jan 9, 2024 @ 6:30 pm

NVUC Council+Visioning Session – Jan 16 @ 6:30 pm

Coming soon … more concert news @ NVUC!

NVUC AGM and Potluck – Feb 18 2024 – After Church – REPORT DEADLINE: January 15, 2024! Send to

Team Schedule – January 2024

· Jan 14 – Communion – Joan Rathwell + Team

· Jan 21 – Gerry Dust + Team

· Jan 28 – Don Macartney + Choir Kids

Announcements – November 26, 2023

A message of Advent - Hope Peace Joy and Love from the NVUC Council – An update and Christmas letter is reprinted below,
and has also been distributed via email. Copies are also available at the back of the church also. Please share the news!

Next Sunday is the last day to bring in warm mittens, toques, scarves, socks, and whatever you can think of to donate
to people in need of warm winter accessories. They will be gathered on Sunday and donated locally.
Thanks for helping our neighbours in need.

Christmas Concerts! ‘Tis the season to be singing and making music!

Songs and Stories with Terry Marcotte, singer, guitarist, retired CTV sports anchor and the award-winning author of “Hockey Moms: The Heart of the Game”
– Sunday, Dec 17 @ 2 pm. $20 at the door. Hockey Moms book will be available for purchase and autographs. (An NVUC fundraiser) Please share the posters and news!

Winter Wonderland Concert – Featuring Navan’s own Kasia Sadej and friends! Tickets in advance, or cash at the door. – Dec 21 @ 7:30 pm (An NVUC fundraiser)
Please share the posters and news!

Ottawa Carleton Male Choir with Soprano Cara Gilbertson! December 15th @ St. Mary’s Church. Tickets: $20 – call 613-841-6248 or at the door. Reception to follow. (They’re coming back to NVUC in the spring too!)

Time for holiday wreaths and planters! R.G. Plante Greenhouses has a huge selection! – How about getting a $50 gift card to help NVUC’s fundraising? We’re getting there … ONLY 10 LEFT!!! A perfect gift! Contact: Laurie Watson to get yours! Email/E-transfer:

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • UCW Meeting – Dec 4 @ 1:30 pm

  • Pop Up Pageant Sunday – Dec 17 @ 10 am

  • NVUC Council – Jan 9 2024 @ 6:30 pm; Visioning – Jan 16 @ 6:30 pm

  • NVUC AGM and Potluck – Feb 25 2024 – After Church

Team Schedule

  • Dec 3 - Gerry Dust and Team

  • Dec 10 – Communion – Don Macartney + Choir Kids

  • Dec 17 - Shelley Douglas and Team Awesome

  • Dec 24 - Morning - Shelley Douglas and Team Awesome

  • Dec 24 - Evening - 8 PM

  • Dec 31 - New Year's Eve

A Message of Advent Hope, Peace, Joy and Love Update from the Navan Vars United Church Council December 2023

Dear Friends,

Fall and its cooler weather seems here to stay, Christmas will soon be here and the wonderful season of Advent- Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love is just around the corner. A season to enjoy with family and friends.

Members of our church participated in Visioning sessions facilitated by Rev. Dr. Peter Barlett this past year. The meetings were informative and led us to reassess our Call and our Vision of our church. Our Vision will better explain “what we aspire to do” as we engage with our community. In that light, we have now hosted 3 concerts, and plan another before Christmas, as well as a concert series over the winter and next spring. All are fundraising ventures. These events are to make better use of our church and promote it as a venue for other rental income. Fundraising as you already know is an unfortunate necessity of our church and many others as well.

We were very fortunate to receive a grant from Greening Sacred Spaces last year. Our planned renovation- attic insulation, ceiling fans, air conditioning and a fridge were the result of this program.

Unfortunately, during the renovation, it was found that our furnace was leaking gas and needed to be replaced. The hot water tank had to be replaced as well. Our building is aging! The final cost was $32K. This was $6K over our initial budget. Our expense for this renovation was $13K. We need to address this deficit along with an expected operations deficit of $13K. Both will amount to a significant draw on our reserves if not reduced.

To use the church basement to generate rental income with food services we are required by the Ministry of Health to renovate the kitchen. We have applied for a grant from our regional church council, EOORC. This will be a 2-grant process. One grant has been received and we can reapply next spring. We need to add sinks, a dishwasher and connect gray water to the septic system. Requests for grant money are always more readily received if there is a willingness from the congregation to show solid fundraising goals.

Our congregation has been unbelievably generous and supportive of our church. We are committed to social justice programs. We are very fortunate to have an active UCW that provides funds for many charities. Our committees are devoted to look out for the future of our church. We are blessed to have an AV link to Facebook Live which provides access to our church service for those unable to join us in the Sanctuary each Sunday.

Please consider a financial gift to the church this year to help cover our renovation deficit as well as maintain and grow our church. Your help can be through PAR, cheques (made out to Navan Vars United Church), e-transfer to

We understand this is a great ask for everyone who enjoys being part of our church. Your gift will allow our church to continue strongly in ministry and mission.

With every blessing, have a wonderful Christmas!

David Douglas, Chair of Council - Wendy Blue, Treasurer - Dennis Moulding, Chair of Trustees

Announcements – November 19, 2023

What a busy and fun weekend at NVUC!!!!

Congratulations and thank you to the UCW on their very successful Fall Bake Sale on Saturday morning! A huge success! (Life is Delicious! A pic with a small sampling of treats available! BEST LEMON PIE EVER!!!!)

What in the world is our choir doing flash... anthem choreography added! It was Christian Children's Sunday, and the choir's anthem from the More Voices #48 is a wonderful song by Ottawa hymn writers Pat Mayberry and Marg Stubington ... I Can Feel You Near Me God (Jump for Joy)! What hymn do you remember learning as a child? Jesus Loves Me was on the hit parade this week too! Rev. Nancy reports that granddaughter Primrose is still jumping for joy and singing both songs!!!!! (Thank you Laurie Watson and choir for your gifts of song, always!!!!)

Christmas Concerts! ‘Tis the season to be singing and making music!

Songs and Stories with Terry Marcotte, singer, guitarist, retired CTV sports anchor and the award-winning author of “Hockey Moms: The Heart of the Game” – Sunday, Dec 17 @ 2 pm. $20 at the door. Hockey Moms book will be available for purchase and autographs. (An NVUC fundraiser) POSTERS ATTACHED ... PLEASE SHARE AND INVITE FRIENDS!!! Wear your hockey jerseys! Learn more about Terry Marcotte and Hockey Moms ...

Winter Wonderland Concert – Featuring Navan’s own Kasia Sadej and friends! Tickets in advance, or cash at the door. – Dec 21 @ 7:30 pm (An NVUC fundraiser) POSTERS ATTACHED ... PLEASE SHARE AND INVITE FRIENDS!!!

Wishing our friends, the Ottawa Carleton Male Choir a terrific “Make a Joyful Sound” Concert – December 8 – Woodroffe United Church @ 7:30 pm - $20 – Don Macartney has tickets! POSTER ATTACHED! (They’re coming back to NVUC in the spring!)

Interchurch Refugee Group Fundraiser– Two free shows of “Humankind - A Sacred Dance Experience”. “In 2023 it is estimated there are over 117 million displaced people on the planet. "Humankind" is a 45-min. experiential journey” December 2 @ 2 pm and 7:30 pm @ Brittania United Church. Freewill offering in support of the IRG. Limited seating, register via Eventbrite.

Time for holiday wreaths and planters! R.G. Plante Greenhouses has a huge selection! – How about getting a $50 gift card to help NVUC’s fundraising? ONLY 11 LEFT!!! A perfect gift! Contact: Laurie Watson to get yours! Email/E-transfer:

Postcards from Kenya! NVUC's Council Chair Dr. Dave in action with Veterinarians without Borders

Dr. Dave picking coffee, and with a farmer and her cow in Kenya! Through the wonders of technology,
we're able to keep in touch! And he's able to take in NVUC services online!

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • UCW Meeting – Dec 4 @ 1:30 pm

  • Pop Up Pageant Sunday – Dec 17 @ 10 am

  • NVUC Council – Jan 9 2024 @ 6:30 pm; Visioning – Jan 16 @ 6:30 pm

  • NVUC AGM and Potluck – Feb 25 2024 – After church

Team/Worship Schedule

  • Nov 26 - Joan Rathwell and Team

  • Dec 3 - Gerry Dust and Team

  • Dec 10 - Communion - Don Macartney and the Choir Kids

  • Dec 17 - Shelley Douglas and Team Awesome

  • Dec 24 - Morning - Shelley Douglas and Team Awesome

  • Dec 24 - Evening - 8 PM

  • Dec 31 - New Year's Eve

Announcements – November 12, 2023

UCW Bake Sale News – Start your Ovens - Life is Delicious!! Sat, Nov. 18, 9 am- noon. Baked goods needed: pies (we really love to get pies as they are particularly good sellers), bread, buns, cakes, loaves, cookies, squares, candy/fudge, muffins, tarts, baked beans, jams/jellies, pickles, etc.  Bring baking to church on Friday evening (November 17th) from 6:30 to 7:30 pm., or Saturday morning. Contacts: Susan Macartney t St. Cyr at Thanks to all of you for your support again this year!

News from the Interchurch Refugee Group – Two free shows of  “Humankind - A Sacred Dance Experience”.  “In 2023 it is estimated there are over 117 million displaced people on the planet. "Humankind" is a 45-min. experiential journey” December 2 @ 2 pm and 7:30 pm @ Brittania United Church.  Freewill offering in support of the IRG.  Limited seating, register via Eventbrite –

Fundraising News – ONLY 12 $50 PLANTE GIFT CARDS LEFT!!!  Get an early start on your holiday shopping … perfect gift! Contact:  Laurie Watson to get yours!  Email/E-transfer:

Where was Rev. Nancy last week?  Read all about it below:  

Notes from Rev. Nancy - I hope your weekend went well. Mine was lots of work...Navan's Cenotaph service, a wedding, church and another wedding.The cenotaph service went well, if chilly! It was well attended. Deacon Pierre Belanger and I did the religious parts and the Remembrance. I also gave the Benediction. 

Sunday was an incredibly special, blessed day of Ministry. 

Last Saturday I went to a wedding as a guest. The pastor didn't show up. After an hour and a half, someone offered to do the ceremony, but it wouldn't have been legal. I tiptoed up to my friend, the bride, and offered to officiate. It was totally off the cuff, as I had no idea I was going to do a wedding, no ceremony written! It was glorious, fun, people cheering and an adorable black and white puppy galloping around with a smile on its face!!!

Yesterday, they came to my church, along with a whole bunch of family and friends. After church we had a beautiful, religious service, as the one I did last week was civil, as I didn't have a chance to ask if they wanted a religious one in the spur of the moment. I am so thrilled to have been gifted this celebration to rejoice in...twice! I would like to thank the bride and groom, Desiree and Dave, their friends and family who so enthusiastically joined in our worship service and shared the love of our Creator with all in the sanctuary and online.

Extra special thanks to my Navan-Vars United Church for their hospitality, enthusiasm, and fellowship<3 You are totally embodying the hospitality of Christ. We are all so blessed to be in Ministry together. I pray our extensive online congregation sends prayers, sorry it wasn't broadcast. Sending love and thanks to all.   Rev. Nancy 

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • Worship Committee – Nov 14 @ 6:30 pm

  • Life is Delicious! Fall Bake Sale!!!  Start spreading the news!  UCW Fall Bake Sale – Nov. 18 – 9 a.m. – noon

  • Christian Children’s Sunday – Nov 19 @ 10 am

  • UCW Meeting – Dec 4 @ 1:30 pm

  • Pop Up Pageant Sunday – Dec 17 @ 10 am

  • Holiday Concert with Kasia and friends – Dec 21 @ 7:30 pm

  • NVUC Council – Jan 9 2024 @ 6:30 pm; Visioning – Jan 16 @ 6:30 pm

  • NVUC Annual General Meeting and Potluck – Feb 25 2024 – After church.

Team Schedule

  • Nov 19 - Christian Children's Sunday - Pam MacCaull + Dream Team

  • Nov 26 - Joan Rathwell and Team

  • Dec 3 - Gerry Dust and Team 

Announcements – October 29, 2023

We thank Rev. Janet Nield, Pam Graydon, and Jodi Sabourin for their message at this Inter-Church Refugee Network Service yesterday at NVUC, and their ongoing work with the IRG.   To donate to the IRG: a) identify your offering at NVUC as for the InterChurch Refugee Group; b)  send an e-transfer to; c) search for IRG on Canada Helps; d)  Cheques by mail – The InterChurch Refugee Group, c/o Treasurer, 1460 Laurin Cres., Orleans ON K1E 3G7.   

Bon Voyage and Safe Travels to NVUC Council Chair - Dr. Dave Douglas!  - Nov 2 – Dec. 16 in Kenya with Veterinarians without Borders -

Fundraising News – No wreaths or centerpieces for sale this year! HOWEVER, ONLY 12 $50 PLANTE GIFT CARDS LEFT!!!  Get an early start on your holiday shopping … perfect gift! 
A fundraising initiative of NVUC.  Contact:  Laurie Watson to get yours!  Email/E-transfer:

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • Council Meeting – TODAY!!!!  @ 6:30 pm

  • Remembrance Day Service – Nov 5 @ 10 am

  • UCW Meeting – Nov 6 @ 1:30 pm

  • Remembrance Day Ceremony at the Navan Cenotaph – Nov 11 @ 10:45 am.  All welcome.

  • Worship Committee – Nov 14 @ 6:30 pm

  • Fall Bake Sale!!!  Start spreading the news!  UCW Fall Bake Sale – Nov. 18 – 9 a.m. – noon

  • Christian Children’s Sunday – Nov 19 @ 10 am

  • Pop Up Pageant Sunday – Dec 17 @ 10 am

  • Holiday Concert with Kasia and friends – Dec 21 @ 7:30 pm

Team Schedule

  • Nov 5 – Don Macartney and the Choir Kids

  • Nov 12 – Communion – Shelley Douglas and Team Awesome

  • Nov 19 - Christian Children's Sunday - Pam MacCaull and the Dream Team

  • Nov 26 - Joan Rathwell and Team

  • Dec 3 - Gerry Dust and Team 

Announcements – October 22, 2023

Spotlight on Dr. Dave!!!  Did you know that Council Chair Dr. Dave Douglas is living his best life, and headed for warmer climates very soon?  Veterinarians without Borders) is a non-profit, charitable organization that focuses on animal health to improve the health of communities. VwB believes in healthy animals, healthy humans, healthy planet.   Dr. Dave as a volunteer (and a semi-retired large animal veterinarian) is headed to Kenya with VwB, Nov 2 to Dec 16.  Veterinarians without Borders operates various projects to assist farmers and the dairy industry in Kenya.  Learn more by searching for Kenya on the VwB website   -  (  While we will miss him when he’s away, we pray for him and all those helping others during these times, for safe travels and a wonderful adventure.  Pssst … ask him if he’s excited! 

Fall Bake Sale!!!  Start spreading the news!  Posters/promo for the UCW bake sale will be attached to this week’s e-blast.  Print, share, post, and spread the news if you can!

No wreaths or centerpieces for sale this year! HOWEVER, ONLY 12 $50 PLANTE GIFT CARDS LEFT!!!  Get an early start on your holiday shopping … perfect gift!  A fundraising initiative of NVUC.  Contact:  Laurie Watson to get yours!  Email/E-transfer:

Upcoming Events/Meetings

  • Inter-church Refugee Group Service – Oct 29 @ 10 am

  • Council Meeting – Oct 30 @ 6:30 pm

  • Remembrance Day Service – Nov 5 @ 10 am

  • UCW Meeting – Nov 6 @ 1:30 pm

  • Remembrance Day Ceremony at the Navan Cenotaph – Nov 11 @ 10:45 am.  All welcome

  • UCW Fall Bake Sale – Nov. 18 – 9 a.m. – noon

  • Worship Committee – Nov 14 @ 6:30 pm

  • Christian Children’s Sunday – Nov 19 @ 10 am

  • Pop Up Pageant Sunday – Dec 17 @ 10 am

  • Holiday Concert with Kasia and friends – Dec 21 @ 7:30 pm

Team Schedule 

  • October 29 - Gerry Dust and Team 

  • Nov 5 - Don Macartney and the Choir Kids 

  • November 12 - Communion - Shelley Douglas and Team Awesome 

  • November 19 - Pam MacCaull and Dream Team 

  • November 26 - Joan Rathwell and Team 

  • December 3 - Gerry Dust and Team 

  • December 10 - Communion - Don Macartney and the Choir Kids 

  • December 17 - Shelley Douglas and Team Awesome 

  • December 24 - Morning - Shelley Douglas and Team Awesome 

  • December 24 - Evening 8 PM  

  • December 31 - New Year's Eve